How to start freelancing in software development?

A student asked about how to start feelancing at reddit. Here are a couple of points I shared. I found it a bit cool, so I thought to share with broader audience:

1. Pick one skill and master it thoroughly by learning from 3-4 different sources (e.g., Coursera, Udemy, edX, YouTube, etc.). Complete 2-3 academic projects to apply what you've learned. Try to incorporate most of the features or tools often demanded in related projects within the chosen tech stack.
Start by selecting a technology that has good demand nowadays and in which you already have some experience (this is recommended but not required). Choose something you enjoy working with. Once you've made your choice, stick with it for at least 3-4 years. This could be MERN, MEAN, React Native, Shopify, Odoo, Java/Spring, Flutter, .NET, Laravel, Salesforce, ERPs, Blockchain, Web3, integrations, ML/AI, automation, web scraping, data processing, crypto, or something else. The key is to pick one and stick to it unless you have a very strong reason to pivot. this era of information and AI, learning is easy but you must make sure, its aligned with your target.
2. Once your academic projects are ready, I suggest deploying them online to make it easy for others to view your work or demos. Share them on LinkedIn and Facebook. Market yourself confidently (if you don't promote yourself, who will?). Communicate your projects and skills clearly to friends, colleagues, teachers, and anyone you believe might bring leads. Especially share with those already freelancing, and offer them a fair share if they outsource work to you. Aim to complete at least 3-5 real projects.
3. Keep adding your academic and real-world projects to your Upwork (and other marketplaces) profiles as you go. There's no need to wait until you've completed five projects—start once you’ve finished your academic projects, as this shows you've gained a solid level of expertise. Additionally, share your completed projects on LinkedIn and mention that you’re seeking related work. If you're bound by an NDA, simply share the tech stack without disclosing project details.
5. Watch a couple of related Youtube videos to look into how to win client at Upwork. Discuss/ask this from concerned people.
6. If you get some work, start by keeping your rates low, but always deliver high-quality results. Be responsive and disciplined.
7. Keep working, no matter where your projects come from—it will help you refine your skills. However, keep pushing to win projects directly from freelance marketplaces to cut out the middleman. Why? Most middlemen take significant cuts, sometimes as high as 50% or more, just for connecting you with clients. More importantly, removing the middleman helps you build trust with key clients, ensuring a steady stream of work, which is crucial for team-building. Lastly, completing projects on freelance marketplaces adds to your profile as verified work, increasing your chances of winning future projects.
8. Never violate the policies of freelance marketplaces; otherwise, your years of effort could become worthless in an instant. I have seen many people lose high-ranking profiles due to reckless behavior and failing to take these policies seriously. Take it VERY seriously—a good profile with quality reviews is a valuable asset. It helps you win numerous projects; landing 5-10 in a single day is normal.
9. Deliver outstanding work that exceeds client expectations. Provide free support at the beginning. Maintain ethical standards and loyalty to your clients; do not deceive them. Play fair and aim to turn them into fans through your quality of work, efficiency, and professionalism in all areas—whether it's communication, commitments, or the quality of deliverables. This approach will attract an abundance of work, allowing you to build multiple companies in a couple of years.
10. Do not start working in multiple technologies at the beginning, especially when you are solo. Expand your tech stack only after you've begun building a team. Focus on one technology or stack in your freelance profile; never claim to be an expert in ten technologies. Tailor your profile to showcase expertise in a single tech stack. Live it, code it, think it, and ship it until your work stream grows and you have attached 7-10 developers to your team. Then, if needed, expand into more tech stacks by creating multiple profiles—one for each technology—or by registering an agency.
11. Off-load non-productive people who don't want to grow; they will hold you back and try to make you the same. Spend time with the most intelligent people you know—those with good character who want to grow. Exclude negative influences from your circle and never spend time with them. Make every minute count; never waste your time, as it is the most precious resource you have. I'm not wasting my time typing this—when I give my best, the best comes back to me. Good advice is an investment that works miracles; you will understand this only after you experience it.
12. The sooner you start, the better. If you couldn’t begin before graduation, don’t worry—join a reputable services company and invest 2-3 years there. Focus on learning, refining your skills, and understanding how teams and companies operate. Avoid approaching your job with the mindset of doing only the minimum required to keep it. If you do, the company will only pay you the minimum to keep you afloat. Strive to excel, so you can grow quickly and gain the skills and confidence needed to eventually start your own venture. Remember, it’s not about starting late; everyone has their own timeline. What matters is that you start when you realize it's time to do so.
Its not GPT advise, but advise from my heart. This has helped many people to start companies. Some have 50+ employees now. Alhamdulillah.
