Express Form Handling, File Upload, EJS, Redirect
Consider below HTML form. Its not mandatory to use same form, you can modify fields. What is important is, your form shall include all basic types of input fields e.g. text, password, radio, checkbox, option list, text area, etc. After this form, there are list of tasks that you should implement in same web app. <title>Form with all controls</title> <style> label { display: inline-block; width: 100px; }</style> <h1>User Registration Form</h1> <form action="form-handler" method="POST"> <h2> Student Registration Form</h2> <label>Name</label><input maxlength="8" name="name" size="20" type="text"> <label>Password</label> <input name="password" size="20" type="password"> <label>Subjects</label> <input name="Algorithms" type="checkbox"> Algorithms <input name=...