Task 13 - Java JDBC and Basic SQL Practice Exercise
Download SQL script file. Connect MySQL Workbench with MySQL Database server. In Workbench, choose menu: File > Open SQL Script option and select the downloaded file. Run the script to create a database of two tables i.e. products and product_categories. You can open the script in Notepad++ to anaylyze, it contains SQL statements to create database, tables and few insert statement to add some seed data. Write Java application that shall provide following features:
- Show all categories names with products count of that category e.g. Mobiles - 2
- Show list of categories (id and name only) to user to choose a category id by user input. Show product id, name, description, minimum stock level and cost of all products that belongs to the given category id.
- Show average cost of products the store sell.
- Show products order by category.
- Show products where minimum stock level is between 50 and 300 (inclusive).
- Let user search the products by entering a string and show all products whose name contain that string (hint: use 'like' clause in select query).
- Show total number of products the database contain.
- Get product model from user input and show its cost and minimum order quanity.
- Let user add a new product under given category id. Get all attributes values from user, use LocalDate class to store Date.
- Let user delete the product by product id.
- Let user update the model and cost by product id.
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