Assignment 4 - Point of Sale system
Develop a limited version of Point of Sale system. You have seen it already, its what a salesman use at medical or deparmentsal stores to make invoices. Making complete system is difficult at this level and need more time than we are left with. So build only following functionalities: (I recommend to save all data in MySQL database, DB lecture links already shared at FB Group, you can also use binay files, if you feel not comfortable with using MySQL after watching video lectures). Customers CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) and List functionality using Java GUI. Customer table and class shall have: id, name, email, gender, active, city, cellNumber Create means (provide short key: Ctrl+N), provide a JFrame based form to add new customer. List means, show all customers ID-Name in JList, so that user could select the customer to perfrom Update, Show/Retrieve or Delete operation. Update means, user shall be able to update the customer record. He shall select the custome...