Introduction to Computing Fall 2012

Course Objective

This course is an introduction to broad class of computer issues. It is designed for students who are not CS majors, who have had little or no previous experience with computers. 

  1. Section A and B, your labs are being conducted as per schedule. The Lab instructor comes in each lab. It is required for every student to attend lab. Its attendance is required to be at least 80%. There is separate exams of tasks done in lab. So don't miss it.
  2. Oct 2. The course for Sessional-1 exam is first 8 lectures, as per our course outline. All what we covered before Input Devices (excluding input devices).
  3. Nov. 8. There is quiz # 2 in next week's first lecture (of both sections in their classes).
  4. Nov 15. The course for S-II exam for both sections is Input and Output Devices, Operating Systems and Databases. (Section B, please note, no any topic of Data Communication is included in S-II exam).
  5. 23 Dec, If any one has attendance shortage issue because of 1-2 lectures. Let me know before 25 Dec. See me in office or contact me via mobile (get my mobile number from CR).
  6. 23 Dec. Dear Section B students: Submit your assignment-3 by 26 December. Your classes of 25 Dec would not be conducted because of holiday. Assignment statement is: Search 5-7 application software used in chemistry or chemical engineering or plant simulation, etc. Write their names and brief description of just 4-5 lines. Only 1 A4 size page.

Course Outline : Click Here

Lecture Slides:
Lecture slides are to remind you the major points we talked about in class. These SHOULD MUST NOT be considered as alternative of book/s. And exam is definitely not limited to these slides, but also include the topics/things mentioned in book (but only those we covered in class or assigned you as home-work or Assignment)

Lecture 1 Slides (Intro, Basic concepts and components, Usage, Categories, etc.) 

Lecture 2 Slides (Types of Software and Application Software in detail)

Lecture 3 Slides (Internet and Web)

Lecture 4 Slides (Search Engines)

Lecture 5 Slides (E-Commerce)

Lecture 6 Slides (History)
No need to memorize names of scientists and dates when something was invented. Just having some information/idea of major milestones in computing history is enough.

Lecture 7-8 Slides (System Unit) 
This is book slides file.

Lecture 9 (Input Devices)

Lecture 10 (Output Devices)

Lecture 11, Lecture 12

Lecture 13-14 (Databases)

Lecture 15-16 a     Lecture 15-16 b (Data Communication Model)

Lecture 17 a     Lecture 17 b (Network Topologies)

Lecture 18 (Computer Security - Malwares, etc.) 

Lecture 19 (Security and Encryption) 

Lecture 20 (Web Solutions, Domain Registration, Hosting, Freelancing, etc.) 

Lecture 21 (Structure of a Program) 

Lecture 22 (HTML/CSS) 

Slides of Book Chapters: 

Here are link to chapter-by-chapter slides of our text book. You may find them useful while reading book. Download by clicking the Chapter number:

Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9.
