How to Configure Sub Domain That Points to Another Host

Blogger do not allow to attach non-image files (at the moment). Here I will explain to point your sub domain to another host. Earlier I was using Google Docs to upload non-image files. But now I have setup sub domain to another host, so I can put my all files at . There are following benefits of this approach: 1. You can put your files/attachments for users to download. The links that points to your downloadable resource would belong to your own domain. 2. Sometime we want to show working example of code. For example you may want to attach a running JSP/Servlet page. With Blogger and Wordpress, it is not possible. So what you can do is, put your dynamic resources in sub domain. So how to configure sub domain? You just need to put an A RECORD entry into your blog DNS. And configure the sub domain under Tomcat or Apache. For example, when I configured ... my domain settings looks as follow: See demonstration if your name server provider...